video online 2003 |
Prairie Farmer vs. Corporate GiantSaskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser who has been sued and harrassed by Genetically Modified seed giant Monsanto, in Vancouver, December 10, 2003.RT: 90 minutes approximately in segments |
International Day of Solidarity With PalestineWebcast from November 29, 2003 International Day of Solidarity With Palestine, at the Maritime Labour Centre in Vancouver. RT: 90 minutes approximately in segments |
Child Care ForumWebcast from November 7, 2003 Child Care Forum at the Vancouver Public Library: "How to Advance a Progressive Child Care Agenda in the Next Federal and Provincial Elections". RT: 90 minutes approximately in segments |
'Once In A Lifetime' Bill C-436Webcast from Press Conference vy Vancouver East MP Libby Davies to announce proposed Once In a Lifetime Bill to reunite familes in Canada. RT:35 minutes approximately in segments |
Nurses launch new television adWebcast from the BCNU launch of a new TV ad for public health care on October 27, 2003. The ad depicts young boys trading cards of what would normally be sports stars, but which instead have images of nurses. BROADBAND video online.RT: 90 minutes approximately in segments |
Council of Canadians AGMWebcast highlights from the 18th Annual General Meeting of the Council of Canadians, taped October 24, 2003 in Vancouver.RT: 90 minutes approximately in segments |
Layton @ LangaraJack Layton, the new Federal Leader of the NDP spoke to students and faculty at Vancouver's Langara College on October 24, 2003. Described as a "dab hand behind a lecturn" he has spent over 3 decades teaching in Universities and Colleges.RT: 45 minutes approximately in segments |
Public Forum on Ending ProstitutionWebcast from Putting Violence Against Women on the Social Agenda: Public Forum on Ending Prostitution, October 10, 2003, WISE Hall, Vancouver, by Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter.RT: 120 minutes approximately in segments |
BC is Not for Sale!
October 6, 2003: Webcast highlights from the Lower Mainland Coalition for Social Justice rally against privatization, on the day the B.C. Legislature resumed sitting. BROADBAND video online. |
College of Teachers:
Webcast of new video produced for the BC Teachers' Federation ( BCTGF ) on the experience that Teachers in Ontario have had with their College of Teachers. BROADBAND video online. |
"Free the Cuban Five!Webcasts of Oct. 4, 2003 Free the Cuban Five solidarity evening at St. Andrews' Wesley church in Vancouver.RT: 60:00 minutes in segments |
"Paul Martin: CEO for Canada?" book launchWebcasts of Sept. 30, 2003 book of launch of Murray Dobbin's new book, "Paul Martin: CEO for Canada?"RT: 45:00 minutes in segments |
Palliative Care ForumWebcasts of Sept. 25, 2003 Public Forum on Palliative Care at the Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver.RT: 120:00 minutes in segments |
Making the Links - BC Actions Highlight
Webcasts of Sept. 12 and 13, 2003 lower mainland "Making the Links" events to higlight WTO ( World Trade Organizaton ) talks in Cancun Mexico. |
Palliative cuts protestNurses, patients and families of patients are protesting Campbell Liberal government cuts to palliative or end of life hospital beds and services in British Columbia. BROADBAND video online.RT: 5:00 minutes |
BC NDP Leadership DebateWebcast from the September 9, 2003 BC NDP Leadership Debate in Vancouver.RT: 120 minutes approx. |
BCTF Summer ConferenceWebcast highlights from the August 2003 BC Teachers' Federation Summer Leadership Conference at the University of British Columbia.RT: 16 minutes approx. |
Prison Justice DayAugust 10, 2003 Prison Justice Day in Vancouver to remember men and women who have died unnatural deaths inside Canada's prisonsRT: 80 minutes approx. in segments |
Cuban Revolution 50thJuly 24, 2003 forum in Vancouver to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.RT: 60 minutes approx. in segments |
Witness from IraqJuly 14, 2003 forum on Iraq, with 3 time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly, co-founder of the Chicago-based Voices In the Wilderness peace group.RT: 60 minutes approx. in segments |
Forum on Immigration and RefugeesForum on Immigration and Refugees organized by Libby Davies, Vancouver East Member of Parliament (NDP) at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood house, July 7, 2003.RT: 60 minutes approx. in segments |
Victory SquatVideo of tent city erected by activists and homeless at Victory Square in Vancouver's downtown eastside, on July 2, 2003, the date of Vancouver's victory in the competition to win the 2010 Winter OlympicsRT: 5:05 BROADBAND video online |
Miner's Memorial DayHighlights from the ceremony at Ginger Goodwin's grave, at the 18th annual Miner's Memorial Day in Cumberland British ColumbiaWebcast RT: 45:00 minutes approx. in segments |
ILO Day Against Child LabourWebcast from a BC Teacher's Federation press conference on June 12, 2003 marking the International Labour Organization's 2nd annual Day Against Child Labour.Webcast RT: 40:00 minutes approx. in segments |
Liberals Slash Palliative CareWebcast video from a May 29, 2003 BC Nurses' Union press conference at which patients, families and nurses warned of impending cuts to palliative care in British Columbia.Webcast RT: 40:00 minutes approx. in segments |
Chem Trails ( June / July 2000 )By request, we've re-posted "Chem Trails: What Is Wrong With Our Skies?", featuring the talk William Thomas gave in Vancouver in June 2000.Webcast RT: 55:00 minutes approx. in segments |
Dr. Helen CaldicottDr. Helen Caldicott, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, speaking on "Nuclear Madness and Missile Envy: The New Nuclear Danger", April 28, 2003 in Vancouver. RT: 60:00 approx. in segments |
Framework Agreement Saves
Announcement of tentative Framework Agreement between health employers and unions, that will save 15,000 jobs from privatization, in return for union concessions. |
BCTF Inclusion Research Project findingsWebcasts of speakers at April 17, 2003 press conference to release preliminary findings of British Columbia Teachers' Federation "Special education, Learning Assistance, and ESL research project in two school districts, 2002�03".RT: 35:00 approx. in segments |
March and Rally Against Occupation of IraqApril 12, 2003 Protest in Vancouver, part of the International Day of Action Against the Occupation of Iraq. BROADBAND video online. RT: 5:00 |
Tariq Ali "War and Empire:
British radical and intellectual Tariq Ali, taped April 8, 2003 in Vancouver, at a coalition event. RT: 70:00 minutes approx. in segments
Peace Rally for Children and YouthWebcast video highlights from the April 6, 2003 Peace Rally for Children and Youth at the Peace Camp, outside the U.S. Consultate, in Vancouver.BROADBAND video online. RT: 5:00 |
CCPA Whistleblower ForumSpeakers at the CCPA (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ) Public Forum on Whistleblowers. RT: 80:00 minutes approx. in segments |
U.N. Committee Critical of B.C.Highlights from the United Nations CEDAW (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women ) report which singled out the BC government for criticism. BROADBAND video online.RT: 90:00 minutes approx. in segments |
U.S. Attacks Iraq: Peace Protests intensifyHighlights from Peace actions between March 19 and 23, 2003 in Vancouver where activists began daily protests after the U.S. attacked Iraq. BROADBAND video online.RT: 5:00 minutes |
BCTF 2003 AGMPresentations at the 2003 Annual General Meeting of the British Columbia Teachers' Federation, March 15 - 18 in Vancouver. RT: 120:00 minutes approx. in segments |
Peace Protest weekendHighlights from Peace events in Vancouver on the weekend of March 14 - 16, including another huge Peace March and Rally, part of the International movement against War on Iraq. BROADBAND video online.RT: 5:00 minutes |
Health care privatization hurts women,
Webcast of press conference at which the Hospital Employees' Union released a report on the impact of health care privatization on women's work and women's struggle for pay equity.
Noam Chomsky, 1996, VancouverBy request, we've re-posted "Controlling the Public Mind", the talk Noam Chomsky gave in Vancouver in 1996.Webcast RT: 90:00 minutes approx. in segments |
Liquor Stores CloseThe B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch closes liquor stores, implementing its privatization strategy to give the hugely profitable retail liquor business to the private sector. BROADBAND video online. Webcast RT: 5:00 minutes |
Before It's Too LateConference on Funding Public Education, Jan. 24 and 25 in Richmond B.C., sponsored by the BC Fed, the BCTF and CUPE-BC. Webcast RT: 40 minutes approx. in segments |
Slash Gordon Lives!As the BC Nurses' union holds an outdoor press conference on the eve of the Cambpell government's new budget, comic book anti-hero Slash Gordon appears, in the flesh!BROADBAND video online. Webcast RT: 6:36 |
Feb. 15 Peace Rally, VancouverHighlights from the Vancouver segment of the International Peace Action on February 15, 2003 that drew more than 50 million worldwide. BROADBAND video online. Webcast RT: 5:00 |
Citizen's Weapons Inspection TeamFrom the working TV archives ( 1998 ) a team including Vancouver East MP Libby Davies travels to the Bangor Washington Nuclear submarine base, just south of Vancouver, looking for 'weapons of mass destruction'. Webcast RT: 6:24 |
Lessons from the U.K.Carolyn Leckie, a Scottish midwife and UNISON union activist describes fighting privatization in Glasgow, against the Sodexho multinational, and winning!Webcast RT: 30:00 minutes approx. in segments |
Bill 29 - One Year AfterThousands of hospital workers took action on January 28, 2003, to mark the anniversary of the introduction of Bill 29 by the Liberal Government. Bill 29 tears up union contracts and allows privatization of thousands of hospital jobs. BROADBAND video online.Webcast RT:6:00 minutes |
One Year AfterPublic school teachers and college educators came together to mark one year since the devastating weekend when the B.C. Liberals rammed through Bills 27, 28 and 29.Webcast RT: 22 minutes approx. in segments |
Canadian Peace Team in IraqVideo highlights from the Dec. 6 - 24 trip to Iraq by Global Justice videographer Linda Morgan, with the Canadian Peace Team in Iraq. BROADBAND video online.Webcast RT: 7:41 |
Vancouver March for PeaceHighlights from the January 18, 2003 Vancouver peace action which drew over 10,000. It was part of the International Day of Action to say "No to War on Iraq" and for "Peace and Justice in the Middle East". BROADBAND video online.Webcast RT: 6:46 |
BCTF- BC Fed Affiliation?A short video, produced for the British Columbia Teachers' Federation on the coming referendum on affiliation with the BC Federation of Labour. BROADBAND video online.Webcast RT: 8:19 |
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