video online 2009 |
"International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People"Speakers and attendess mark the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 27, 2009 at SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver, Canada. Special guest: Huwaida Arraf.RT: 100 minutes approx. in segments |
"Sex Workers, Clients and the Law"FIRST ( Feminists Advocating for Rights and Equality for Sex Industry Workers ): Public Forum, November 23, 2009, Vancouver Public Library.RT: 120 minutes approx. in segments |
Marc Ellis: �Does Judaism Equal Israel?�Dr. Marc Ellis, Professor of Jewish Studies at Baylor November 21, 2009 at Simon Fraser University exploring the problems created when Jewishness is treated as synonymous with unquestioning support for Israel. RT: 90 min. approx. in segments |
Legacy Mentor ProjectSenior nurses, over age 55 and approaching retirement, pass on the knowledge and experience they have gained working for several decades to younger colleagues through the Legacy Mentor project. RT: 11 min. 54 seconds |
"2009 World Peace Forum"Selected teach-in sessions at the 2009 World Peace Forum. November 7, 8 & 11 at the Maritime Labour Centre in Vancouver. |
Libby Davies Public Forum on Olympic SecurityPublic Forum on Olympic Security hosted by Vancouver East M.P. Libby Davies, Monday November 9, 2009 at Grandview Calvary Baptist ChurchRT: 120 min. approx. |
Media Democracy Day 2009Media Democracy Day, Saturday, November 7, 2009 at the Vancouver Public Library.RT: 300 min. approx., in segments |
Paramedics Rally @ VANOC Against Bill 21Nov. 6, 2009 CUPE 873 Ambulance Paramedics rally at VANOC HQ after a letter from VANOC to Liberal government results in a legislated end to strike.RT: 6 min. 40 sec. |
CUPE BC Education ConferenceCUPE BC Education Conference, October 26 - 28, 2009 in Vancouver .RT: 45 minutes approx. in segments |
Paying more and getting less: the private clinics' threat to MedicareA panel dicusses the current lawsuit launched by private clinics in B.C. and what it means for public health care, US health insurance companies, and Canada�s single payer system. Oct. 1, 2009 in Vancouver.RT: 60 minutes approx. in segments |
Mairead Maguire: Breaking the Siege of GazaNobel Peace Prize Winner Mairead Maguire, Sept. 28, 2009 in Vancouver on "Breaking the Siege of Gaza"![]() RT: 70 minutes approx. in segments |
The Right to the City: Civil Liberties and the 2010 OlympicsA panel of community activists examine the possibility of civil liberties violations as the 2010 Olypmics approach. Sept. 28, 2009 in Vancouver.![]() RT: 90 minutes approx. in segments |
Fight the HST Rally - VancouverSept. 19, 2009 Fight the HST ( Harmonized Sales Tax ) Rally at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre.![]() RT: 70 minutes approx. in segments |
Playground BuildersSept. 14, 2009 Building Bridges presentation of "Playground Builders", featuring Keith Reynolds at the Vancouver Public Library. This group builds "hope from the ground up in war-torn areas such as Afghanistan, Iraq and the Palestinian Territories".![]() RT: 70 min approx. in segments |
HST Town Hall - VancouverSept. 10, 2009 HST ( Harmonized Sales Tax ) Town Hall meeting at the Vancouver Public Library downtown branch, hosted by Vancouver MLAs Adrian Dix, Mable Elmore, Spencer Herbert, Jenny Kwan and Shane Simpson.![]() RT: 2 min |
HST Town Hall - Burnaby EdmondsSept. 9, 2009 HST ( Harmonized Sales Tax ) Town Hall meeting at the Edmonds Community Centre in Burnaby, hosted by Burnaby Edmonds MLA Raj Chouhan ( NDP ).![]() RT: 2 min |
Joy Langan MemorialSept. 9, 2009 memorial for Joy Langan at the Operating Engineers Hall in Burnaby![]() RT: 90 minutes approx. in segments |
Labour Day Support for ParamedicsSupport was strong for striking B.C. Ambulance Paramedics, members of CUPE 873, at the 2009 Labour Day Picnic at Trout Lake Park in Vancouver, Monday Sept. 7, 2009.![]() RT: 2 min |
On Strike To Save LivesBritish Columbia Ambulance Paramedics, members of CUPE ( Canadian Union of Public Employees ) Local 873, describe why they are On Strike To Save Lives.![]() RT: 2 min |
2009 Prison Justice Day33rd Annual Prison Justice Day memorial rally at Trout Lake Park, Vancouver on August 10, 2009. This is a day set aside to remember all those who have died unnatural deaths inside Canadian prisons.![]() RT: 90 min. approx. in segments |
Dr. George Tiller Tribute Rally18 June 2009 rally in Vancouver honouring Dr. George Tiller, a medical doctor assassinated by an anti-choice fanatic on May 31 in Wichita Kansas.![]() RT: 90 min. approx. in segments |
Trafficking Facts and Fictions16 June 2009 FIRST public forum in Vancouver: "Trafficking Facts and Fictions"RT: 90 min. approx. in segments |
Canadian Federation of Nurses
Highlights from Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions ( CFNU ) 2009 Biennium convention, June 8 - 12, 2009 in Vancouver, B.C. |
Condition Critical: B.C. Ambulance
B.C. Ambulance Paramedics, members of CUPE 873, describe their issues and why they are on strike against the British Columbia Ambulance Service |
"The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy" book launchWebcast of the June 2, 2009 book launch of Yves Engler's "Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy", at Simon Fraser University, downtown campus, Vancouver.![]() RT: 75 minutes approx. |
Where's the Money in the Media?Panelists at May 27, 2009 "Where's the Money in the Media?" event at VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver.![]() RT: 75 minutes approx. |
Compassionate Listening in Israel and PalestineMay 4, 2009 presentation at the Canadian Memorial Centre for Peace in Vancouver by Bonnie Klein, Michael Klein and Maggy Kaplan. They were part of an the interfaith training delegation of the Compassionate Listening Project, which traveled to Israel and Palestine in the fall of 2008.![]() RT: 75 minutes approx. |
adding Insult to InjuryExcerpted from "Asbestos: the Silent Killer" with additional video from the 2009 Day of Mourning, this video was produced for USW 480 in Trail to hold the Campbell Liberals accountable in the 2009 Provincial election.![]() RT: 6:57 |
CUPE BC 2009 April 28 - Day of Mourning highlightsCUPE BC members in several communities participated in Day of Mourning ceremonies on the 25th anniversary of the event to commemorate workers killed and injured on the job.![]() |
CUPE BC 2009 Convention highlightsHighlights from the 2009 Canadian Union of Public Employees - BC Division ( CUPE BC ) convention, April 22 - 25 in Victoria, Britiish Colmbia.![]() |
Rafe Mair @ Cosco MeetRafe Mair, April 17, 2009 on the threat to B.C.'s rivers and public power from private "run of the river" power plants, speaking to COSCO ( Council of Senior Citizen's Organizations of BC ).![]() |
Van East MP Libby Davies at the Grand March For HousingVancouver East MP Libby Davies at the City Wide Housing Coalition's Grand March for Housing, April 4, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.![]() |
Vancouver International Women's Day 2009Various events between March 5 and March 9, 2009 to mark International Women's Day 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.![]() |
Ronnie Kasrils - Apartheid: South Africa to Israel"Apartheid: From South Africa to Israel and the Prospects for Peace" with ANC leader Ronnie Kasrils, Vancouver Public Library, March 8. 2009.![]() |
BCNU 2009 ConventionHighlights from the Feb. 18 - 19, 2009 British Columbia Nurses' Union ( BCNU ) convention.![]() |
CUPE BC 2009 Bargaining ConferenceFebruary 19, 2009 opening evening of the CUPE BC Bargaining Conference in Richmond.![]() |
CCPA - An Evening With Maher ArarFeb. 12, 2009 Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ( CCPA ) Fundraising Gala with Maher Arar.![]() |
The Economic Crisis in BC: Developing a Progressive AlternativePublic Forum and Conference with CAW Economist Jim Standford and others, January 30 and 31, 2009, Maritime Labour Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada![]() |
Dr. Jeff Halper - Israel: Where to from here?Dr. Jeff Halper, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Peretz Centre, January 27, 2009, sponsored by the Ahavat Olam Synagogue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.![]() |
Dr. Norman Finkelstein: Resolving the Israel-Palestine ConflictDr. Norman Finkelstein on "Resolving the Israel-Palestine Conflict", Jan. 21, 2009, at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Sponsored by Solidarity for Palestine Human Rights ( SPHR ) and Colour Connected.![]() |
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