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The Myth of the
Good Corporate Citizen
(27 mins.)

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Murray Dobbin - The Myth of the Good Corporate Citizen

Featuring nationally renowned broadcaster and author Murray Dobbin, at a Vancouver Public Library forum called "The Myth of the Good Corporate Citizen - Democracy under the Rule of Big Business". This public forum, and Dobbin's new book of the same name, examine the impact of corporate rule on culture and on our own democratic institutions.

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Murray Dobbin and his latest book

Dobbin is a national leader of the Council of Canadians and has been a social activist for nearly 30 years. This week on working TV, he looks at the new power in Ottawa: a new power he says is now longer political, but corporate. According to Dobbin, we are now living in a corporate age one that threatens the very foundations of democracy, where governments answer to transnational corporations and not to citizens.

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