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Libby and Jack Layton
Pre-Budget Consultation

Webcast from the February 14, 2004 Pre-Budget Consultation with representatives of community groups in East Vancouver, by Jack Layton, Federal NDP Leader and Libby Davies, NDP MP for Vancouver East.

Libby Davies, Jack Layton

Libby Davies, Jack Layton listen to Lisa Wulwik

"This is your country, you should have some say over what the budget of your country is. Rather than us sitting in Ottawa and trying to figure out what you're thinking, we thought we'd come here." 25 pixel transparent gif25 pixel transparent gif25 pixel transparent gif Jack Layton

"(Federal Finance Minister ) Ralph Goodale is having a consultation behind closed doors with business leaders . . . they're generally pretty happy. On January 1 the annual corporate tax cut bill came to $4.4 billion, just for this year."
100 pixel transparent gif100 pixel transparent gif25 pixel transparent gif25 pixel transparent gif Jack Layton

Libby Davies, Jack Layton listen to Bill Saunders

Intro: Libby Davies, Vancouver East Member of Parliament 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 1:45

Libby Davies
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Intro: Jack Layton, Federal New Democratic Party Leader 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 2:57

Jack Layton
Windows Media video streaming
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Intro: Lisa Wulwick, End Legislated Poverty 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 4:27

Lisa Wulwik
Windows Media video streaming
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Intro: Ivan Bulic, Environmental Activist 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 12:27

Ivan Bulic
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Intro: Blair Harvey, Vancouver Aboriginal Council 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 6:01

Blair Harvey
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Intro: Bill Saunders, Vancouver and District Labour Council 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 14:35

Bill Saunders
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Intro: Sharon Gregson, Child Care Activist 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 5:31

Sharon Gregson
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Intro: Cheryl Hewitt, Health Activist 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 5:12

Cheryl Hewitt
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Intro: Lori Baxter, Alliance for Arts and Culture 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 5:16

Lori Baxter
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Intro: Tom McGregor, BC Coalition of People with Disabilities14 pixel transparent gif RT: 5:51

Tom McGregor
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Intro: Elsie Kip, Aboriginal Community Activist 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 6:02

Elsie Kipp
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Intro: Linda Mix, Tenants Rights Action Coalition 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 3:10

Linda Mix
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Intro: Murray Dobbin, Council of Canadians 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 2:53

Murray Dobbin
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Intro: Phil Lyons, BC Senior's Network 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 3:15

Phil Lyons
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Intro: Audrey Johnson, West Coast LEAF ( Legal Education and Action Fund ) 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 2:10

Audrey Johnson
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Windows Media audio streaming

Jack Layton, Summary 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 6:43

Jack Layton
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