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Vancouver Mayday 2004

Mayday march

MAYDAY MARCH: 10,000 joined the 2004 Vancouver Mayday march. Striking hospital workers, defying government back to work legislation and their supporters continued to build momentum toward a General Strike across British Columbia.

Mayday march

Mayday march - Saturday May 1, downtown Vancouver RT: 5:36

Mayday march
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Mayday rally

MAYDAY RALLY: "Voices for Justice" at the Vancouver Art Gallery, culmination of Mayday march. Sponsored by the BC Federation of Labour and the New Westminster and Vancouver and District Labour Councils

Mayday rally - Introduction, Angie Schira, BC Federation of Labour RT: 5:05

Angie Schira
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Mayday rally - Jim Sinclair, BC Federation of Labour RT: 10:07

Jim Sinclair
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Mayday rally - Chris Allnutt, Hospital Employees' Union RT: 3:26

Chris Allnutt
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Mayday rally - Solidarity messages and introductions RT: 4:02

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Mayday rally - Deb Crithely, Vernon Women's Centre RT: 2:48

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Mayday dinner

MAYDAY DINNER: at the Maritime Labour Centre. Featured speakers were Barb Byers, Canadian Labour Congress Executive Vice-President and Clarence Thomas, Longshoreman and an activist in U. S. Labor Against the War, just returned from a fact finding tour of Iraq.

Mayday dinner

Mayday dinner- Bill Saunder, Vancouver and District Labour Council RT: 5:01

Bill Saunders
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Mayday dinner- Barb Byers, Canadian Labour Congress RT: 13:28

Barb Byers
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Mayday dinner- Carole James, leader BC NDP RT: 6:14

Carole James
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Mayday dinner- Clarence Thomas, Pt. 1 - ILWU and U.S. Labor Against the War activist, reporting on recent fact finding trip to Iraq RT: 16:03

Clarence Thomas
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Mayday dinner- Clarence Thomas, Pt. 2 RT: 15:08

Clarence Thomas
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This page produced with generous support of the


British Columbia Nurses Union
( BCNU )

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