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Golden Gag

CanWest presented with the

June 06, 2008 Golden Gag Award presentation to CanWest MediaWorks, outside the Sun and Province newspaper building in Vancouver, "for their SLAPP* suit against Mordecai Briemberg, with whose opinions they disagree"
( complete Award Citation below )


see also 7 pixel transparent gifCanWest Media Bully7 pixel transparent gif highlight video

see also 7 pixel transparent gifCanWest Media Bully7 pixel transparent gif from May 14, 2008

Golden Gag
The award citation reads as follows:

For their SLAPP suit against Mordecai Briemberg, with whose opinions they disagree. For pressing Mordecai to �name names� while they press on with their agenda to suppress the truth. For suing Mordecai for alleged participation in the production of a farcical parody of a daily newspaper while they participate in a daily farce producing a parody of a newspaper. For forgetting that freedom of speech is a right for everyone, and for showing a sense of humour about as deep as their compassion for the fate of Canadian journalism."

* This "SLAPP" (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) is being brought by Canwest in an effort to silence Mordecai Briemberg and create a chill among all critical journalists and political activists.

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Jef Keighley, 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 1:35
Jef Keighley

David Rovics, 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 7:36
David Rovics

Mordecai Briemberg, Activist served with SLAPP suit by CanWest for �conspiracy to produce and distribute� a Vancouver Sun parody 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 8:59
Mordecai Briemberg

Marc Edge, author of "Asper Nation" 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 8:49

Award Presentation14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 4:01
Jef Keighley

David Rovics14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 2:26
Jef Keighley

Close 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 1:16
Jef Keighley

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