The People's Opposition Press Release
For Immediate Release February 7th 2002
Vancouver, February 7th - The People's Opposition declares February 7th to be Accountability Day, an opportunity for communities province-wide to protest the attack their government has made on British Columbians. Concerned citizens have organized to demonstrate their opposition to the cuts in the social sector as announced on Black Thursday ( January 29, 2002 ). Today, across the provicne, simultaneous demonstrations will be held at the offices of the Liberal Member of Legislative Assembly offices. Accountability Day is an initiative of The People's Opposition, a coalition of organizations in the social justice, anti-poverty, and environment communities.
The People's Opposition finds the ideology of the Gordon Campbell government is contemptuous of the public sector and the social services they provide, and is clearly implementing a corporate agenda that places the welfare of the citizens last. The cuts to social services are not fiscally sound, but rather an unapologetic and viscous affront to the most vulnerable in society.
The People's Opposition has coined the term "Gordonomics" to describe the policies of the Campbell government and describes them to be Irrational, Irresponsible, and Unnecessary. Irrational, because the Liberal government is not motivated to save money as evidenced by the Tax Cuts, the creation of the largest and most expensive Cabinet or patronage pool, and tax relief to business and the stock market. Irresponsible, because the cuts to Pharmacare, early child care, the criminal justice system, aboriginal education, social assistance, women's centres and environmental management will all cost the taxpayers more in the long term. Unnecessary, because British Columbia had the 2nd leanest public sector in North America, the Liberals did not inherit a structural deficit as announced, and the 2001 budget was balanced with a $1.5 billion surplus, all of which was lost in the Tax Cuts. The Gordon Campbell government is simply reckless and cruel.
The social service net that is being demolished has been an integral and valued part of British Columbian society for the better part of the last century. It is not the mandate of government to be profitable, but provide essential services, without which many cannot survive. In essence, the Liberal government has declared war on the very people it was elected to protect.
-30- Media Contact Susan Howatt 604 787 6362