Video Online
Citizen's Weapons
Inspection Team

Encoded at 28.8K
(6 mins.)

Citizen's Weapons Inspection Team

In February 1998, the United States, along with support from Britain and Canada, was poised to launch military attacks against Iraq. It wanted to force President Hussein to allow UN weapons inspectors to search the country for "weapons of mass destruction".

But wait a minute . . . the United States has one of the largest stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in the world - thousands of nuclear weapons. Isn't their criticism of Iraq more than a little bit hypocritical?

Libby Davies.gif
Libby Davies
Nuclear Explosion.gif
Nuclear Detonation

To point out this contradiction, and to underscore the need to get rid of all weapons of mass destruction, a group of activists from Vancouver made headlines. They travelled south, across the border to one of the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the world - the Trident submarine base at Bangor Washington, just a couple of hours from Vancouver. There, led by Libby Davies, Vancouver East's own NDP Member of Parliament, the Citizen's Weapons Inspection team requested access to the base to look for weapons of mass destruction.

Here is there story . . . excerpted from our regular weekly program broadcast April 24 1998, working TV #106.

Segment produced by Steve Staples.

Running time - approximately 6 minutes.

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