Video Online
MAYDAY 98 - International
Labour Solidarity - 27 mins.
Part 1 Encoded at 28.8K

Part 2 Encoded at 28.8K
Encoded at 56K

Part One - Day of International
Labour Solidarity

This week celebrating: Mayday! the Day of International Labour Solidarity, with interviews from International friends of working TV; update on the MAI fightback and more; working TV's 5th Anniversary on Air! help us celebrate 5 years of labour television, with highlights from the more than 125 programs we have produced since we first went to air on Mayday 1993. Day of Mourning for Killed and Injured workers: highlights from the April 28 ceremony.

Mayday In Seoul

5 Years of workingTV

Part Two - The 'New Internationalism' - workingTV worldwide webcasting

In addition to the continued coverage of Mayday around the world with a visit to Cuba as well as Seoul, workingTV covers the 'New Internationalism' - cyberspace and it's effect on global solidarity. A new medium for a new age - the future... or just another fad?

Want to see this broadcast on TV in your community? Videotapes of these and all working TV shows are available in any format for broadcast on community television channels.

These videotapes are also for sale to the general public - 25$. Students, seniors and under-employed - $15

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