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20th Century highlights

working TV #164
January 07 2000
RT: 27.30 minutes

From the
1919 Winnipeg General Strike,
to the 1999 Battle in Seattle . . .

We begin the new century and the new Millennium with events from the past century, broadcast during the nearly 7 years of working TV programming. Highlights range from the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, to the Spanish Civil War, to the 1958 Second Narrows Bridge disaster, to struggles of today.

Music and comedy lighten the tone.

Click on the images or underlined text below to see program segments in streaming video.

Introduction: Our first program of the year 2000 with a look back at events of the 20th century covered on
working TV.

Mackenzie-Papineau Monument campaign to honour B.C. "Mac Paps" who volunteered to fight fascism during the Spanish Civil War.

Winnipeg General Strike: an excerpt from Six Days of Solidarity: Winnipeg 1919, a fine video on this seminal event in Canadian labour history.

Ironworkers Memorial bridge 1994: the Second Narrows bridge re-named to honour the Ironworkers killed building it.

Hay Equity 1992: Pay Equity struggle by B.C. Hospital workers (HEU) inspired this comedic send-up of management "thinking".

1996: Metro Days of Action 300,000 ralllied at Queen's Park in Toronto on October 27 1996 against the Harris Tory cutbacks.

Dr. Dean Dawson 1996: working TV's response to the call by the B.C. Medical Association for privatized American-style health care.

1998: Bill C-91 to enrich Multinational Pharmaceutical companies and keep cheaper generic drugs off the market.

close & The Battle of Seattle 1999: from the November/December 1999 struggle against the World Trade Organization.

working TV #165, RT: 27:30
January 07 2000

This page made possible by the generous support of the
Canadian Union of Public Employees' - BC Division