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Needless Injury video webcast

BC healthcare workers urge WCB:
"Save lives and money with safety needles"

Webcast of November 9, 2005 BC Nurses Union press conference to urge the Workers' Compensation Board to mandate use of safety needles and to release Needless Injury video on needlestick injuries in health care.

09 Nov. 2005  BCNU presser
A coalition of BC unions says the Workers� Compensation Board can protect workers from deadly injuries and save the health-care system millions by requiring the use of safety needles and other sharps.

�Each year 6,800 nurses and other health care workers are injured by needles and other sharps in BC acute care facilities,� say BC Nurses� Union President Debra McPherson. �Those needless injuries cost our cashstrapped health-care system $13.6 million for testing and preventative treatment. But this isn�t just a question of statistics.

�There are real people getting injured and sometimes infected by blood-borne diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C.� 14 pixel transparent gif more

Click on the links below for webcasts.
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Introduction: Debra McPherson, British Columbia Nurses' Union 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 2:41
Debra McPherson
Windows Media Player video
QuickTime audio
Windows Media Player audio

Julie Savard, BCNU, contracted Hep C from needlestick injury 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 3:12
Julie Savard
Windows Media Player video
QuickTime audio
Windows Media Player audio

Julia Aquilar, BCNU, poked by needle from HIV + patient 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 3:48
Julia Aquilar
Windows Media Player video
QuickTime audio
Windows Media Player audio

Elton Nordmarken, HEU, 13 needlestick injuries 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 2:10
Elton Nordmarken
Windows Media Player video
QuickTime audio
Windows Media Player audio

Mike McDonald, SEIU 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 1:07
Mike McDonald
Windows Media Player video
QuickTime audio
Windows Media Player audio

Media Questions 14 pixel transparent spacer gif RT: 8:50
Media questions
Windows Media Player video
QuickTime audio
Windows Media Player audio

British Columbia Nurses' Union Health and Safety video
"Needless Injury"

Webcast of "Needless Injury", a British Columbia Nurses Union video to support its campaign against needlestick or sharps injuries in health care.

Needless Injury title

Needless Injury 14 pixel transparent gif RT: 13:03
Retractable needle  or safety sharp after injection
QuickTime video broadband
Windows Media Player broadband
Windows Media Player video

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