Dr. Joel Kovel is a scholar who has published nine books on Zionism, ecology, nuclear terror, psychoanalysis, Nicaragua, white racism in the US, and McCarthyism. He has also published over a hundred articles and reviews, including The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or The End of the World (Zed, 2002). Since 2003 he has been Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly journal, Capitalism Nature Socialism.
He is also a medical doctor, psychoanalyst, and social science professor.
He is an activist who has been engaged in struggles for peace and justice since the Vietnam War era. Kovel has worked within the antiwar and antinuclear movements, the solidarity movements in Central America and the Caribbean, the movements for democratic media, and, increasingly, for ecological transformation. He joined the Green Party in 1990 and in 1998 he was the Green Party candidate for US Senator from New York, and in 2000 sought their Presidential nomination.
Amidst all the reports that fill our media on the conflict involving Israel, the political philosophy of Zionism rarely is discussed. Yet it is central to understanding daily events in the Middle East. Dr. Joel Kovel's most recent book Overcoming Zionism is written with literary elegance, intellectual rigour, and draws upon the varied training and skills he has in psychoanalysis and the social sciences.
Hugo Blanco is a long-time organizer and peasant leader who remains today an outstanding voice of the campesino and indigenous movements in Peru, and is a leader of the Federation of Campesinos of Cuzco. He is a member of the editorial board of Sin Permiso. Blanco�s most recent writings have stressed the strategic importance of the rise of indigenous consciousness and militancy to the mounting anti-imperialist struggles in the hemisphere.
"Most current struggles of indigenous campesinos are against the killing of Pachamama, Mother Earth; against depredations by the large companies, mainly mining, but also petroleum and gas. Previous Peruvian governments were servants of feudal lords; today they serve the great multinationals. They act against the Peruvian people and against nature." --Hugo Blanco, August 16 2007, Nuestra Cultura, original link: http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=54336.